Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Week 5-MTC

Hola familia!
I am kinda super happy right now porque I just got my package!!!!!! hermana Dunn says I looked like a little kid on Christmas. Thank you sooooo much for writing me Tyson and Alexa! I miss you guys so much and it was so good to here from you! I'm really curious whether you got into that play now Tyson so you had better not leave me hanging for long! I have to admit I totally walked myself into that pineapple juice. I'm feeling slightly better now but i'm sure it will still do me good:) Super excited about the wheat thins though!!!! You know me well...Tiff, I love the pictures soooo much! I was hoping to get the more recent family picture though. I wanted to tape it to the inside of my new Spanish BOM (Which I am getting engraved right now:) and the one you sent is kinda blurry. if you can send that in with a letter or something that would be great! I am anxious to here what happened in Florida! I am hoping to get that tonight. I miss being able to get the texts from mom updating me but I just always pray for you guys just in case. I love you guys so much!

So this week, I didn't write in my journal near as much because the new girls we are rooming with are just way too fun! We end up talking until lights out. I'm so glad we got to know them though! News for this next week is that we get to move...again...So apparently they were doing construction on the fourth floor and that's why they moved us all down and now they are going to do some on the 3rd floor so we all get to move up again. I just hope they keep us with the same people! One new thing that happened this week was that I got to role play an investigator for the first time. That was a fun experience. It made me realize how strange our message really is from an outsiders point of view. That is why it is soooo important to have the spirit with you always cause that is what is going to convert.

This week I have been thinking about how I can explain the experiences I am having here. You always hear missionaries say how much they loved their mission and how much it changed their lives, but that doesn't quite do it justice. There really is no way I can explain it all. I am learning and growing so much I can hardly keep up. I'm not even sure what week i'm on...4 or 5 or 6?...but I can't even imagine how much I will have grown by the end. I am truly sooo grateful I decided to serve the Lord.

This week I learned a lot about faith, the atonement, and my testimony/conversion. I love reading the Book of Mormon more and more each day! I always said that I loved the book of Mormon, pero, I feel now that I never really did. It's so much different to read it with a purpose. I also was able to purchase an Ensign from the book store this week and read the talks. I always enjoyed rereading conference talks, but now I am gaining so much more insight that I can apply to my life. Elder Andersen gave a great talk on trials and in the notes there is a great quote that I would like to share by George Q. Cannon: "No matter how serious the trial, how deep the distress, how great the affliction, [God] will never desert us. He never has, and He never will. He cannot do it. It is not His character. He is an unchangeable being; the same yesterday, the same today, and He will be the same throughout the eternal ages to come. We have found that God. We have made Him our friend, by obeying His Gospel; and He will stand by us. We may pass through deep waters; but we shall not be consumed nor overwhelmed. We shall emerge from all these trials and difficulties the better and purer for them, if we only trust in our God and keep His commandments." God will never desert us. In Ether 12:27 it says that our weaknesses will be made strengths, but I have really come to love this promise lately. God had told us that he wants us to be perfect, but we are always told that it is impossible in this life, but really, we can and must be perfect in some things. This is why he promises that as we come unto him he will show us our weaknesses. And then as we see our weaknesses, he will make them strengths until we are perfect even as he is. The best part is that He will never desert us as we continue to become like him. That is what the atonement is for. Dallin Oaks once said, "if your faith and prayers and the power of the priesthood do not heal you from an affliction, the power of the Atonement will surely give you the strength to bear the burden." I love this gospel and how much it can change people. I know that because it continues to change my life every day.

If your wondering about mi Espanol, It is coming along. hermana Dunn keeps saying how she expected to know more at this point but I am amazed at how much I know! A few days ago we hit a huge milestone and learned the last grammar principle we need to know. Here on out is just vocab, practice and review! Miracles happen here every day and I am so grateful to be apart of it! The gospel is truly beginning to be delicious to me! I love you all and pray for you always. Please keep me updated on everything. Elder Simon thinks its sad that I get so excited when I get a letter because he gets like 9 letters a day...pero...esta bien:) Les Mucho Amo!

Hermana Shayla Rowley
Hermano Rhoton

And that's how personal study goes around here

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