Hola familia!
Wow! I can't believe how big Maelie
and Kason are! Thanks for the pictures! That's so sad about our tree! There better
be some left when I get home! Oh, that is so cool about the new temple video by
the way! I don't know if they are showing it in Laie yet but I can't wait to
see it! Seriously, it's the big talk around missionaries out here:) I have been
praying extra hard for you all this week. It's crazy how much of the refiners
fire we need to go through.
This week has been quite the week
for us as well. I feel like every time something happens to where I
think "ok, I got this!" Something else happens to humble me big time.
Sometimes I just get tired of being humbled all the time but at the same time,
I am truly so grateful for these experiences. I am learning how to depend more
on the Lord. It amazes me so much to think how loving and patient he is with
me. I look back and see all the mistakes I have made and all my weaknesses, and
yet he still loves me and blesses me and comforts me. It reminds me of what
Elder Holland said in conference, "Imperfect people are all God has to
work with" and yet he deals with it:) I guess it makes me more forgiving
of others weaknesses as well and helps me to love just a bit more.
Truly though, this week has been
full of miracles. We had a couple of Zone exchanges and Sister Gleason got sick
one of the days, and yet we were able to find 3 new investigators and visit
many less-actives! Two of the new investigators came from the former
investigator list in the area book and one was from a referral from church Head
quarters. It was really neat actually. His sister was the one to refer him. She
lives in Washington and was just baptized recently and their mom is getting
baptized the beginning of September. He found out she was baptized from
Facebook cause there was a picture of her in front of the temple and holding a
Book of Mormon. He had to look up online to see what it was but then he called
her asking about it. He said that about 5 times or so during that conversation
he had told her he was curious and would "look into it". Thankfully
she took the initiative and sent a referral to us for him:) When we showed up
he was super nervous at first, he kept saying how he wasn't "even sure
where to begin" We told him that if he was interested in learning more, we
were the ones to talk to:) We sat down and gave him the first lesson right
there. It was such a great lesson! The spirit was so strong and he has been so
prepared! Everything it says to say in Preach My Gospel was exactly what he
needed to hear. He had been raised Catholic and eventually decided he didn't
agree with the church because of something he read (about
the Apostasy that made it seem too "man made". He does
have a strong belief in God though and wants to find out for himself if what we
have taught is true. The only issue is, like with so many, is business. He is
too busy throughout the week he doesn't know when he can meet again. He wants
to set up an appt. for 2 weeks from now but we will keep in touch and visit him
before then for sure:)

This is only one of so many miracles
we were able to see this week, with non members and less actives alike. Even
through rough times, the Lord is going to bless us. I love you all so much and
am so grateful for your examples and prayers. I can't believe that transfers
are coming up! We only have one more week left! I will most likely be taken
back to Laie this time. I have mixed feelings about that but I am excited for
whatever happens. I will be going back to speaking a bit more Spanish again I
suppose. I have been reading El Libro de Mormon still but that really only gets
you so far. Yesterday, the one Mexican from our ward came up and started
speaking to me and was trying to tell me something but I was having the hardest
time understanding, let alone, answering him back. This was the first Spanish
conversation I had tried to have in months. I hope he didn't say anything too
important cause I only got bits and pieces:/. After that experience, I realized
again how much I don't know and it scared me quite a bit. This is truly a trial
of my faith. I can tell myself that God would not call me to fail and that a
miracle could happen to where I can actually learn this language that I now
love so much, but it is difficult to see that right now. I continue to learn to
trust in Him. For many of our dinner appointments, we have been using an object
lesson in order to teach how "with God, all things are possible". I
guess He is just trying my faith right now to see how much I truly believe
that. I know things will work out and I continue to try and get over my fears
and talk in Spanish when I have the opportunities and just wait for the
miracle:) Either way, I know He loves me and I am not alone in this.
Also this Sunday, we were rather
blessed when President and Sister Warner and the area of the 70 here, Elder
Auna, all spoke in our sacrament meeting. I sure wish we could have been able
to get our investigators there because it was a powerful meeting. Kind of like
a mini conference. The ward is super pumped now though. The whole meeting was
about missionary work and how members can work with the full time missionaries
to do the work. We got a referral right after the meeting so I guess it
worked:) I love this ward and this work so much and I love how much my testimony
and conversion grows each day. I love you all and am praying for you extra
hard. Never forget that:)
Les Quiero Mucho!