Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Week 2-MTC

Aloha and Hola! 
Well I am now finished with week 2 here at the MTC! The temple this morning was amazing and just what I needed. Pdays fall on the perfect day for me! I was so excited to get mom's weekly letter last night. I forgot to tell you about Adam in my last letter but I can't tell you how wonderful it was to see him and get a quick update on the fam! I am praying for you always and am so sorry that you have to clean the house alone mom! You know I would help you if I was there! Alexa and Tyson, I want letters from you! How far are you on Dr. Who now? How is school going? Do you miss me yet? I miss you! Luckly all my roommates say they enjoy my singing all the time so that is something I do to keep my spirits up. I always am happier when I sing:) I think the elders in my district sing more that me though! They are alway bursting out in a quartet and they say they sing each other to sleep:) They are so fun, I just love my district! 

This Sunday was another amazing day. I think sundays are my favorite here! For our RS speaker we got Sister Dibb and she told us all about these awesome stories with her dad, Pres. Monson. It was so cool to here about his family life. He likes to whistle in the morning, he likes his marshamellows toasted brown, and he still owns four chickens:) I also love that every Sunday night after the fireside is movie night and this sunday we watched The Testaments. I haven't seen that in so long and it was amazing to see it again! The spirit was so strong. I love looking around after the movies because not only are the sisters all crying by the end but the Elders are as well. As Elder Tipps would say, It's definately a tear jerker! 

My classes are going great! I have amazing teachers and am learning so much. It's so fun to study the scriptures here at the MTC. I get more out of them then I ever have before! The spanish is still difficult but Its coming along. Its so fun to be able to speak certain phrases in a different language. Every once in a while I wish I could go home and show you all that I know so far:) So far I know everything I knew after 2 years in highschool spanish, except now I can somehow remember everything! Its such a miracle! It will be so amazing when I can actually speak an intelligent conversation though:). 

I heard an amazing quote the other day that I wrote down and thought I'de share: "Many Young women are serving missions, many are preparing to serve. Not because they are not married or have nothing else to do, but because they have a desire to serve and therefore, are being called to the work. The reason so many are going is because, in the next generation, Heavenly Father will be sending His priesthood army to the earth. He wants to send them to mothers who have been properly trained and taught in the gospel and what better training can a young woman have than that of serving a mission" -President Hinkley. I am so glad to be apart of this work! We learned last night in devotional that there has been a 471% increase in missionary applications since the announcement was made in general conference. By the way, in case anyone was wondering (I know my family was), when the announcement was made and the missionaries here at the MTC heard it, there wasn't just shock, but everyone literally shouted for joy. Apparently there were whoops and hollers from everyone! How cool would that be to be here for that! The Lord is truly hastening His work! 

Well its getting colder here and I am just now realizing that I didn't bring enough stuff for winter, you know, since i'm going to Hawaii and all:). This morning was a cold rainy walk to the temple. I'm super excited for it to snow though because Elder Tipps has never seen snow! I love you all and can't tell you how excited I get when I hear from you! I will be praying for Alexa and hope that everything goes well with her procedure they are going to do. Keep me posted. I am trying my best to be the best missionary I can be so I can send all those blessings home to you! I love you!

Hermana Shayla Rowley

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