Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Week 73-Transfer 11


Wow! This has been quite the week. That is so neat that Bro Adamson and Sister Lawson both came to visit! I love the Adamsons sooo much, and miss them a ton too! They were actually the ones I called before my mission to find out about the sandals and found out they were from Highland:) They are so sweet! The Lawsons were really sweet to do that as well! I will have to go watch the CES Fireside sometime, it sounds like it was really inspired. Oh, you should tell Natalie that I have Melissa Squires in one of my wards here. They went to school together:) She is super sweet! 

Well, this week was super busy. I absolutely love being in the YSA wards, there is ALWAYS something to do and someone to visit! Jenny is getting more and more solid as the days go by. She is so ready for her baptism now! She bore her testimony in church and talked about how she used to always tell the missionaries she would never get baptized and even though she would tell them she would pray and read, she never did. Things changed when her friend that is serving in California began to teach her about the gospel and because he was her friend, she thought more deeply about what he was saying till she finally decided to pray and now she actually enjoys praying and reading the scriptures cause it makes her happy! She really has come such a long way! She has been meeting with the missionaries for about a year! She shared a really cool experience with us that happened to her the other day. She said that she was praying so hard that she could receive some extra reassurance that baptism really was what she should do. She wanted to know for sure once again. She was told by her friend that if she really wanted it that bad, then she needed to fast as well. So she ended up fasting all day yesterday, which was a big deal. Anyways, the night before, she was praying and said, "if I could just see some sort of sign, like a rainbow or something!" I think it is important to note at this point, that this is not the same as a sign seeker, she simply needed that extra comfort and reassurance, anyhow, that night she dreamed about a giant rainbow. Then next morning, it was so real to her that she knew that it was an answer to her prayers! It's so amazing how Heavenly Father is in even the littlest of details in this work! The gospel, as it does everyone else, has truly changed her life! 

We are teaching 4 or 5 people who are so close to receiving that answer that it is true! They all have such sincere desire and have agreed to be baptized if they find out it's true, now they just need to ask! Jordan is one of those. Jordan is on the basketball team and his mom is getting baptized soon and his girlfriend is preparing for a mission. He has met with the missionaries before but stopped for some reason. He has such a desire to do what God wants him to. It's so interesting because he is so concerned about where he will go after he dies and if he will be able to be with his family. If there is the highest degree of glory, he wants to go there, but he naturally wants his family to as well. We had a really good lesson with him and the spirit was so strong! It's just so amazing and humbling to see all these young adults like Jordan, Abby, Tiffany, Maria, Jenny, and so many more, really searching and looking to see what God wants them to be doing and having that faith to go and do! They all strengthen my faith sooo much and make me want to be such a better person in my life. 

This Sunday I got to bear my testimony for my last fast and testimony meeting on my mission. Crazy huh? So funny story: When I bore my testimony, I mentioned that it was my last opportunity to do so in fast and testimony meeting on my mission. Well, the very last person that got up to bear his testimony (I don't even remember his name) said, "So, the sister who is going home soon..." Then he gestured to himself... "This might be a potential investigator for you!" I don't think my face has ever gotten so red! Everyone busted up laughing and Sister Yoo was like, "whoa! WHOA!" Then he was like, "well, I just wanted to bear my testimony...that wasn't my testimony!" and the bishop replied, "I hope not!" Let's just say that's the LAST thing you expect to experience, especially as a missionary! Haha! Good ol' singles wards! 

Well, the work is going so strong here! I truly have been so blessed with such an amazing companion, padmates, leaders, investigators and so many miracles! I feel so undeserving, yet so grateful for it all. I am learning so much each day and certainly learning how to trust in the Lord sooo much! I truly know with all my heart that none of this is me, this is all His work! Every time I begin to get prideful and try to do it on my own in any way, things don't quite work out. It is HIS work! I love you all so much and am so grateful for your support and examples to me. I truly have gained so much strength knowing how strong my family is and the faith that you have in your experiences. I love to share that with others as I teach about how the gospel blesses families. Thank you so much! I love you all and pray for you always! 

Les Quiero, 
Hermana Rowley

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