Aloha mi familia magnifica!!!!!!!!!
Can you believe that this is the
last email I will send on my mission to you! It's such a strange feeling! I'm
excited to see everyone, stressed about everything I need to do in the next few
days, scared to not be a missionary anymore, sad to leave the people I love,
looking forward to being able to use everything Iv'e been learning, and sooo
very grateful for the experiences I have had here that have made this mission
the best EVER and strengthened my faith and knowledge of the gospel so
This week has gone by so fast yet so
much has happened! So many miracles! We had such a great lesson with Jenny on
Tues. We talked to her about missionary work because we are trying to get her
to talk to Jiashan about her testimony and she doesn't seem to want to! So we
had a really great returned missionary join us and we talked about how much
service blesses our lives and makes us so happy. We talked about the blessings
of our missions and how amazing it is when you are able to give someone the
kind of service that can change their lives forever; the gospel! It was a great
lesson and the spirit was so strong and even though she didn't tell us at the
time, but later she told Sister Kim that she wanted to serve a mission now!
That's a big deal for her! I love that girl so much! After we taught her we dragged
her to the devotional that we got special permission to go to because Sheri Dew
was speaking! She gave a great talk on planting good seeds now so you can reap
the good later! I'm not sure how much Jenny understood but she said she enjoyed
it! We sure did! We got to talk to her and Sister Nelson after and they told a
story about how on the way here their plane got delayed for 2 hours and they
were super frustrated until they began talking to this guy who had been going
through a really rough time in his life right now. Sister Dew was like, "I
honestly believe that 250 people were delayed for that one man." It is so
neat to hear stories like that for me. Our leaders truly live what they teach!
They do random missionary work!
We also had a really great lesson
with Abby. I don't remember if I told you, but she tore her ACL and needs to
get surgery and she is super scared about it so we asked if she would like a
priesthood blessing and she agreed. She was super nervous at first but she said
once he started the blessing she felt so calm and she truly believes that it
came from God! We talked about acting on that faith and how she can continue to
feel His hand in her life and grow her faith like she just had as she keeps her
commitments. Now she just needs to do it! She is getting there though.
Sunday was super crazy for us! Even
crazier than usual! We ended up having to go on splits twice and still didn't
make it to everything. Two of our wards sang Aloha 'oe to me. I love that song
but it is just too super sad! I'm going to miss everyone so much! My favorite
part of Sunday was when we taught Tiffany. I don't think we have ever been so
bold with anyone like we were in this lesson! I would have been worried if the
spirit wasn't so strong. She is just so close and just needs to act on the
faith that she has and the answer that we know she has received! We gave her
another talk to read and also challenged her to prepare for General Conference
by fasting and praying about her questions and then look for her answers in
General Conference. You can never go wrong with the Prophet! I am so excited
for General Conference by the way! I know I will certainly need all the help I
can get in the next few months:)
We are so blessed to be able to see
so many miracles each day! I wish I could just bring you all along and show you
all of what I get to experience every day! It has literally changed my life so
much! The gospel does that you know:). I have gained such an amazing love for
my Heavenly Father and my Savior, Jesus Christ. I am so grateful for how
patient and kind and long-suffering and loving Heavenly Father really is for
me! It amazes me how many miracles I have been able to experience just simply
because He loves me, cause I feel so much in His debt and I will be forever. I
am so grateful for these experiences and I am so grateful for such a loving
Heavenly Father! This church is so true and the Atonement is REAL and it
changes hearts and lives! I love you all so much and still continue to pray for
Les quiero MUCHISIMO!
Hermana Rowley (Shayla)
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